Important Note:
Classes on campus (Chapel, Room 2) start at 3:00pm. Regular on-site classes at 2:15pm. Check the schedule carefully please!
Class 1.
TOPIC: Introduction to the course and to Rome.
Introduction & logistics + foundation myth, history, government, religion, map & facts.
MEETING PLACE: JCU Classroom (Chapel, Room 2) at 3:00pm.
READING: None. [Recommended: Beard M. “Why ancient Rome matters” (20 min, Guardian Article)].
Class 2.
TOPIC: Introduction to oral reports and paper topics + Rome & Tiber
Discussion of oral reports and paper topics & research paper overview, guidelines, and expectations + introduction to Early Rome and its monuments.
SITE VISITS: Tiber Area and its monuments.
MEETING PLACE: JCU Classroom (Chapel, Room 2) at 3:00pm. Second part of class on-site (Cloaca Maxima, Tiber Island, River, and Pons Fabricius).
READING: Claridge 2010: 4-59 (history, documentary sources, building types & techniques), 257-258 (Tiber Island); Cornell 1995: 48-50, 53-60, 63-70, 80 (Early Rome's archaeology & literary tradition); Tuck 2015: Ch. 1.
Class 3.
TOPIC: Regal and Republican Rome: foundation, contacts, influences
SITE VISITS: Circus Maximus, Forum Boarium (Round Temple and Temple of Portunus), Area Sacra at Sant’Omobono, Capitoline Hill (Temple of Jupiter Capitolinus), Palatine Hill (early settlements & hut of Romulus), Forum Romanum (Regia, Comitium, and the Temples of Vesta, Saturn, and Castor); Capitoline Museum (Temple of Jupiter Capitolinus, Sant’Omobono finds, terracotta decoration of temples, She-Wolf, Capitoline Fasti). MiC Card needed.
MEETING PLACE: Outside the Church of Santa Maria in Cosmedin/Bocca della Verità.
READING: Claridge 2010: 4-9 (history), 63-67, 75-77, 83-84, 105-111 (Forum Romanum), 132-133 (hut of Romulus), 259-262, 268-70 (Capitoline, Temple of Jupiter Capitolinus), 282-288 (Sant’Omobono, Forum Boarium), 299-300 (Circus Maximus); Smith 2000: 16-41 (Early and Archaic Rome); Tuck 2015: Ch. 2 & 3; Yegül and Favro 2019: 82-95 (Temple of Jupiter Capitolinus, Sant'Omobono, Forum Boarium).
Class 4.
TOPIC: Middle & Late Republican Rome: expansion, competition, and the architecture of the Roman triumph
SITE VISITS: Lower Campus Martius walk (including Largo Argentina and Theater of Pompey): Temples at Largo Argentina, Theater and Porticus of Pompey, Circus Flaminius, Porticus of Metellus/Octavia, Temple of Apollo Medicus/Sosianus, Theater of Marcellus, Forum Holitorium (Temples beneath S. Nicola in Carcere), Forum Boarium (Round Temple). MiC Card needed.
MEETING PLACE: At the Tower in Largo Argentina (“Torre del Papito”).
READING: Claridge 2010: 9-12 (history), 239-246, 250-256 (Theatre of Pompey, Largo Argentina, Portico of Metellus/Octavia), 274-282 (Theater of Marcellus, Temple of Apollo Medicus/Sosianus, Forum Holitorium); Cornell 2000: 42-60 (mid-Republican Rome); Favro 1994: 151-164 (triumphal procession); Flower 2004: 326-331, 338-340 (triumph/politics); Tuck 2015: 65 (triumph) & Ch. 4.
Class 5.
TOPIC: Rome’s transition from Republic to Empire: the transformation of the ancient City center
SITE VISITS: Forum Romanum: Basilica Aemilia, Basilica Julia, Rostra, Curia Julia, Temple of Divus Julius, Temple of the Castors, Porticus of Gaius and Lucius, Forum of Caesar, Forum of Augustus. ParCo Card needed.
MEETING PLACE: At the Column of Trajan.
READING: Claridge 2010: 10-15 (history), 63-75, 85-87, 92-95, 100-103 (Forum Romanum), 160-169 (Forum of Caesar), 177-180 (Forum of Augustus); Schneider 2008: 270-278 (Augustan Rome); Tuck 2015: Ch. 4 & 5 (only 114-118, 125-128).
Class 6.
TOPIC: The Rome of Augustus: visual "rhetoric," memory & and the new Golden Age
SITE VISITS: Augustan Campus Martius: (Claridge 2010: fig. 77): Mausoleum, Res Gestae, Ara Pacis, Solar meridian, Agrippa’s Pantheon and building program. MiC Card needed.
MEETING PLACE: At the entrance to the Ara Pacis Augustae Museum, (Lungotevere in Augusta).
READING: Claridge 2010: 12-15, 40-43 (history & building materials), 197-216, 232-233 (Augustan Campus Martius); Favro 2007: 234-263 (Augustan Rome); Res Gestae Divi Augusti (Augustus’ official autobiography); Tuck 2015: Ch. 5.
Class 7.
TOPIC: Late Republic/Early Imperial “public” and “private” art: tombs, houses, and temples as displays of social memory, culture, and identity + Midterm Review
SITE VISITS: Pyramid of C. Cestius; Centrale Montemartini Museum (portraiture, sculpture, mosaic): Barberini togatus, grave reliefs from Via Statilia, tomb of baker Eurysaces, funerary stele of shoemaker, tombstone of Q. Sulpicius Maximus, friezes from Temple of Apollo Sosianus, selection of elite domestic art (patronage and collecting in Roman villas). MiC Card needed.
MEETING PLACE: Outside the entrance to the Metro B “Piramide” Stop (Piazzale Ostiense).
READING: Claridge 2010: 397-401 (Pyramid of C. Cestius); Petersen 2003: 230-257 (Tomb of baker Eurysaces); Tuck 2015: 137-139 (Funerary monuments in the Age of Augustus).
Class 8.
Midterm Exam
MEETING PLACE: JCU Classroom. Note: class will meet at 3:00 pm.
Exam details will be shared ahead of time and posted on Moodle.
Class 9.
TOPIC: The Flavians: imperial patronage and urban appropriation in the Colosseum Valley + Entertaining Rome
*Paper's outline due today!! Bring printed copy in class.
SITE VISITS: Domus Aurea, Colossus, Flavian Amphitheater (exterior), Ludus Magnus, Meta Sudans, Arch of Titus, Temple of Peace, Forum Transitorium.
MEETING PLACE: At the Arch of Constantine (Forum side).
READING: Claridge 2010: 16-18 (history), 121-123 (Arch of Titus), 169-176 (Temple of Peace, Forum of Nerva), 301-308 (Domus Aurea, Meta Sudans), 312-319 (Colosseum, Ludus Magnus); Coleman 2000: 210-217, 219-239 (entertainments/politics); Tuck 2015 : Ch. 6 & 7.
Class 10.
TOPIC: Living in Rome: from rental units to palatial estates
SITE VISITS: Arch of Titus (cont.) (Claridge 2010: fig 36); Palatine Hill (Claridge 2010: fig. 50): House of “Augustus” and Temple of Apollo, Domus Transitoria, Domus Tiberiana, Palace of Domitian. Palatine Museum: Augustan & Nerionan rooms. Insula Ara Coeli. ParCo Card needed.
MEETING PLACE: At the Statue of Marcus Aurelius (outside the Capitoline Museums).
READING: Claridge 2010: 124-128 (Palatine), 135-154 (House of “Augustus” and Temple of Apollo, Domitian’s Palace), 263-264 (Insula Ara Coeli); Patterson 2000: 259-263, 273-276 (elite and non elite residences); Tuck 2015: Ch. 5 (only 128-133 "House" of Augustus), Ch. 6 (167-171 Nero's Domus Transitoria & Domus Aurea), Ch. 7 (205-209 Palace of Domitian).
Class 11.
TOPIC: The Rome of Trajan and Hadrian: engineering, aesthetics, and networks
SITE VISITS: Forum, Column, and Markets of Trajan (Claridge 2010: fig. 60); Museum of the Imperial Fora; Baths of Trajan; Temple of Venus and Roma. MiC Card needed.
MEETING PLACE: At the Column of Trajan.
READING: Claridge 2010: 18-21 (history), 118-121 (Temple of Venus and Roma), 180-96 (Forum and Markets of Trajan), 324-326 (Baths of Trajan); Quenemoen 2013: 63-81 (concrete & aesthetics); Tuck 2015: Ch. 8; Yegül and Favro 2019: 333-355 (Trajan, Hadrian, and Apollodorus).
Class 12.
TOPIC: The Central Campus Martius from Domitian to the Antonines: public venues, imperial cult, and commemoration
SITE VISITS: Stadium and Odeum of Domitian, Pantheon, Mausoleum of Hadrian, Hadrianeum, Column of Marcus Aurelius
MEETING PLACE: At the Tower in Largo Argentina (“Torre del Papito”).
READING: Claridge 2010: 18-21 (history), 197-204 (Campus Martius), 219-221 (Column of Marcus Aurelius), 223-238 (Hadrianeum, Pantheon, Stadium and Odeum of Domitian); Tuck 2015: Ch. 9 (only 245-260); Yegül and Favro 2019: 357-370 (Pantheon).
Class 13.
TOPIC: Rome from the Severans to Constantine the Great: water culture, power, and politics
*Paper due today!! Bring printed copy in class and submit digital form on Moodle.
SITE VISITS: Septizodium, Baths of Caracalla, Arch of Constantine, Basilica Nova, Temple of Venus and Roma.
MEETING PLACE: Outside the Metro B “Circo Massimo” Stop (outside the station next to Gusto Massimo Bar).
READING: Claridge 2010: 21-28 (history), 115-117 (Basilica Nova), 118-121 (Temple of Venus and Roma), 306-308 (Colossus), 308-312 (Arch of Constantine), 356-365 (Septizodium, Baths of Caracalla); Elsner 2000: 152-158, 163, 175 (Arch of Constantine & spolia); Tuck 2015: Ch. 10, 11 (only 301-313) & 12.
Class 14.
TOPIC: Review Class
MEETING PLACE: JCU Classroom (Chapel, Room 2) at 3:00pm
Bring a computer or tablet with you to class as well as all your lecture notes.
Class 15.
FINAL EXAM: December 14, 3:00-5:00pm (G.K.1.1 -- Guarini Campus, in Via della Lungara!)