Week 1
UNIT 1-6
Introducing yourself.
Talking about free time. Talking about how often one does something. Talking about people’s interests. Expressing preferences.
Entrance Test
Review of Present tense Irregular verbs and agreement
Italy's most visited cities
Week 2
Describing a typical day
Describing your daily routine
Everyday actions
Talking and writing about one’s family
Present tense of
reflexive verbs
Position of reflexive
ITALIAN Public Holiday
I gesti italiani
Italian gift-giving habits
Week 3
Describing a perfect weekend. Talking about past actions. Understanding descriptions of past events.Specifying when a past event took place.
.Past Tense review and use. Past participle regular\irregular . Use of auxiliary essere\avere
Video corso 6 “In vacanza”
Holidays in Italy
Week 4
UNIT 7 cont.
Descriptions in the past. Telling past events
Time expressions: stamattina,
ieri, l’altro ieri, scorso, fa, già,
appena, non ancora
Present tense of reflexive verbs Past tense of regular verbs. Transitive\intransitive verbs.
Jobs in Italy
Week 5
Talk about family members\relations
Possessive adjectives
• past tense: passato prossimo
form of reflexive verbs
Video corso 8 "L'agenda di Laura
Week 6
Composition 1
talking about one’s eating habits
• talking about typical Italian recipes
• describing one’s favorite recipe
• doing grocery shopping
• indicating quantities
• organizing a picnic
• food and dishes
• measurement units: grammo,
chilo, etto, litro
• food packaging
Direct Pronouns forms and position
Direct pronouns and use of NE
Indefinite Pronouns
Video corso 10 "Il panino perfetto"
•History of pasta
Week 7
Unit 11
Oral presentation 1
• talking and asking about events
that will occur in the future
• writing a short article on future
fashion styles
Future tense regular and irregular forms
Indirect pronouns
Video corso 11 Come mi stà?
Week 8
Unit 11
• shopping for clothes and shoes
• making a polite request
• describing one’s look on special occasions
• colors, fabrics and fabric
• clothing and shoe sizes
Direct and indirect pronouns
Verbs+ indirect pronouns- Piacere+ indirect pronouns
Clothing- Fashion in Italy
Week 9
• describing past situations
and actions that occurred
• talking about one’s childhood
Past tense: Imperfetto regular and irregular forms
Animals and metaphors in Italian
Week 10
Unit 12
Composition 2
• writing a short news story
.• passato prossimo vs. imperfetto
• agreement between direct
pronouns and past participles
Week 11
Unit 13
.understanding and giving
physical descriptions
• describing one’s personality
• reading one’s horoscope
• making, accepting and refusing
an invitation
• describing actions which are
going on right now
• writing a short fiction story
avere with cominciare andfinire
• superlativo assoluto with molto +
adjective or suffix -issimo
• molto (adjective and adverb)
• progressive form with stare +
• present gerund forms of regular
and irregular verbs (dire, fare,
Famous Italians
Week 12
Unit 15
• understanding travel brochures
and travel blogs
• understanding and giving
orders, recommendations and
imperativo informale singolare and imperativo plurale
• position of direct and indirect pronouns with imperativo
• contracted forms of imperative (va’, da’, di’, fa’, sta’)
• irregular forms of imperative (abbi, bevi, sii)
Italians habits and traditions
Week 13
Unit 15 cont
• writing a short article on the
do’s and don’ts for tourists
coming to your country
• underlining cultural differences
• contracted forms of imperative (va’, da’, di’, fa’, sta’)
• irregular forms of imperative (abbi, bevi, sii)
Week 14
Final Review
Week 15
Final exam