Grammar and Vocabulary
Week 1
September 5, 7
·Introduction to the course.
·General grammar review.
Week 2
September 12, 14, 15
Friday, September 15: Make up day for Thursday, November 23
Lezione 1
In giro per negozi
·Describe and buy clothes
·Say the size
·Ask to be able to change something
·Express tastes and opinions
·Give advice
·Ask for an opinion
·The verbpiacere
·Indirect pronouns
·Direct pronouns review
Week 3
September 19, 21
Lezione 1
In giro per negozi (cont.)+ handouts
·Make comparisons
·The imperative 2nd person singular (you) and irregular forms
·Use ofdiandchein comparisons
Week 4
September 26, 28
Test 1 (Sept. 28)
Lezione 2
Quando ero piccola... (cont.)
·Talk about your memories
·Describe habits in the past
·The use of thepassato prossimoand theimperfetto(Part One)
·Expressions of time with theimperfettoand with thepassato prossimo
Week 5
October 3, 5
Lezione 2
Quando ero piccola... (cont.)
·Describe situations
·Argue for and against something
·The particle ci
·The verbfareand other irregular forms of imperfetto
Week 6
October 10, 12
Writing composition in class (Oct 12) first draft
Lezione 3
Un tipo interessante
·Describe a person's physical appearance
·Describe someone’s personality
·Making comparisons between people
·Analyze the someone’s psychological profile
·The verbsfarcela,sapereandandarsene
·The comparativesquantoandcome
·Thepassato prossimoofcominciareandfinire
·Il superlativo relativo
Week 7
October 17, 19
Written composition in class (Oct 19) second drafts
Lezione 3
Un tipo interessante (cont.)
·Politely ask for something
·Making a guess
·Make a proposal
·Give advice
·Make a wish
·Forms and use of thecondizionale presente
·Qualcuno – Nessuno
Week 8
October 24, 26
Test 2: October 26
Lezione 3
Un tipo interessante (cont.)
·Suppose something
·Make a wish
·Forms and use of theCondizionale presente
Week 9
October 31, November 2
Lezione 4
Ti va di venire?
·Invite someone to do something
·Accept or reject an offer
·Make a counteroffer
·Justify a refusal
·Make an appointment
·Book a theatre ticket by phone
·Direct pronouns and the verbavere
·The concordance of the past participle with direct pronouns
·Adverbsgià/non ancora
Week 10
November 7, 9
Written composition 1 – in class first draft (Nov. 9)
Lezione 5
Buon viaggio!
·Ask for something politely
·Show willingness to listen to someone
·Express surprise and regret
·Ask for the price
·Imperfetto ofVolere
·Passato prossimo e imperfetto of SapereandConoscere
·Pronomi combinati
Week 11
November 14, 16
Written composition 2 – in class second draft (Nov. 16)
Lezione 5
Buon viaggio! (cont.)
·Talk about a journey
·Inquire about something
·Ask about the length of a trip
·Pronomi combinati
Week 12
November 21
Test 3 (Nov. 21)
Lezione 6
A tavola!
·Give advice
·Express needs
·Talk about food and eating habits
·Comment on the taste of a dish
·Express an opinion
·Theimperativo negativo(you)
·The verbservire
·The position of the pronouns with the imperative (you)
Week 13
November 28, 30
Video – Oral presentation (Nov. 30)
Lezione 7
Egregio Dottor...
·Talk about the future
·Express wishes and intentions
·Write an application for a job
·Make assumptions
·Express conditions
·Thefuturo semplice
·The verbmetterci
·The hypothetical period of reality (if + present or future)
Week 14
December 5,7
·Talk about work and working conditions
·Tapassato prossimo