**The fieldtrips to Pompeii and Ostia will take place respectively on Friday, Oct. 27th and Saturday, Oct. 28th.
IMPORTANT NOTE: classes on campus (Chapel, Room 2) start at 8:30am. Regular on-site classes at 9:15am. Check carefully the schedule, please!
Week 1. September 5
TOPIC: Introduction to the Course. Logistics & chronological overview, history, topography, and foundation myth
MEETING PLACE: JCU Classroom (Chapel, Room 2) at 8:30am.
READING: Claridge 2010: 4-59 (Roman history, documentary sources, building types and techniques).
[Recommended: Beard M. “Meet the Romans” (3hrs, YouTube videos in preparation for the course)].
Week 2. September 12
TOPIC: Survey of Early Rome + Discussion of oral reports, paper topics, guidelines, and expectations.
Tiber & Cloaca Maxima; Forum Boarium, Archaic Temples of Sant’Omobono, Capitoline Hill, Palatine Hill, Forum Romanum (overview).
MEETING PLACE: JCU Classroom (Chapel Room, 2) at 8:30am. Second part of class on-site.
READING: Claridge 2010: 4-9 (history), 63-67, 75-77, 83-84, 105-111 (Forum Romanum), 132-133 (Hut of Romulus), 259-262, 268-70 (Capitoline, Temple of Jupiter), 282-288 (Sant’Omobono & Forum Boarium), 257-258 (Tiber Island); Stambaugh 1988: Ch. 1 & 15.
Week 3. September 19
TOPIC: Religion and architecture walk: military success & urban "spectacle" in Late Republic and Early Empire
Theater of Pompeii, Victory Temples at Largo Argentina, Circus Flaminius, Temple of Apollo Medicus/Sosianus, Portico of Metellus/Octavia, Theater of Marcellus.MiC Card needed.
MEETING PLACE: At the Tower in Largo Argentina (“Torre del Papito”).
READING: Claridge 2010: 9-12 (history), 239-246, 250-256 (Theatre of Pompey, Victory Temples at Largo Argentina, Portico of Metellus/Octavia), 274-282 (Theater of Marcellus, Temple of Apollo Medicus/Sosianus, Forum Holitorium); Stambaugh 1988: Ch. 3 & 13.
Week 4. September 26
TOPIC: Society and freedom: Rome between Late Republic and Early Empire
Forum Romanum: Tabularium, Rostra, Curia, Comitium, Temple of Saturn, Basilica Aemilia, Porticus of Gaius and Lucius, Basilica Julia, Temple of the Castors, Temple of Divus Julius, Temple of Vesta, Forum of Caesar & Forum of Augustus. ParCo Card needed.
MEETING PLACE: At the Column of Trajan (near Piazza Venezia).
READING: Claridge 2010: 10-15 (history), 63-75, 85-87, 92-95, 100-103 (Forum Romanum), 160-169 (Forum of Caesar), 177-180 (Forum of Augustus); Stambaugh 1988: Ch. 2, 6 & 7.
Week 5. October 3
NO CLASS (used for Pompeii trip)
Week 6. October 10
TOPIC: The development of a new urban image: Augustan Rome + Midterm Review
Mausoleum, Res Gestae, Ara Pacis, Solarium, Agrippa’s Pantheon and building program. MiC Card needed.
MEETING PLACE: At the entrance to the Ara Pacis Augustae Museum, (Lungotevere in Augusta).
READING: Claridge 2010: 12-15, 40-43 (history & building materials), 197-216, 232-233 (Augustan Campus Martius); Stambaugh 1988: Ch. 4.
Week 7. October 17
Midterm Exam.
MEETING PLACE: JCU Classroom (Chapel, Room 2) at 8:30am.
Week 8. October 24
TOPIC: Introduction to Pompeii and Ostia
*Paper’s outline due today - bring printed copy in class + brief oral presentation in class
MEETING PLACE: JCU Classroom (Chapel, Room 2) at 8:30am.
READING: Stambaugh 1988: Ch. 17(Pompeii) & 18 (Ostia); Take a look at the guidebooks for Pompeii and Ostia to begin learning about the sites before our fieldtrips.
Friday, October 27
Fieldtrip to Pompeii.
TOPIC: History of the Town, Private and Public Infrastructures, Daily Life
MEETING PLACE: Piazza Trilussa at 6:50am! (Departure bus: 7:00am!).
READING: Berry 2007: Ch. 5 & 6; Kleiner 2010: 18-45; Stambaugh 1988: Ch. 10, 11 (only 191-194) & 12.
To locate and learn about Pompeii’s monuments, see:
Saturday, October 28
Fieldtrip to Ostia.
TOPIC: History of the Town, Public and Private Infrastructures, Roman Economy
MEETING PLACE: Outside the entrance to Porta San Paolo Train Station at 9:00am! (We will take together the Ostia lido train).
READING: Coarelli 2014: 450-476; Kleiner 2010: 203-215; Stambaugh 1988: Ch. 8.
To locate and learn about Ostia Antica’s monuments, see:
Week 9. October 31
NO CLASS (used for Pompeii trip)
Week 10. November 7
TOPIC: Reshaping of a neighborhood: entertainment, politics, and the Rome of the Flavians
Domus Aurea, Arch of Titus, Forum of Peace, Forum Transitorium, Colosseum, Ludus Magnus, Circus Maximus. ParCo Card needed.
MEETING PLACE: At the Arch of Constantine (Forum side).
READING: Claridge 2010: 16-18 (history), 121-123 (Arch of Titus), 169-176 (Temple of Peace, Forum of Nerva), 299-300 (Circus Maximus), 301-308 (Domus Aurea, Meta Sudans), 312-319 (Colosseum, Ludus Magnus); Stambaugh 1988: Ch. 5 (only 67-75) & 14.
Week 11. November 14
TOPIC: Making Rome a metropolis: urban development during the High Empire
Stadium and Odeum of Domitian, Pantheon, Hadrianeum; Forum, Column, and Markets of Trajan. MiC Card needed.
MEETING PLACE: At the Tower in Largo Argentina (“Torre del Papito”).
READING: Claridge 2010: 18-21 (history), 197-204 (Campus Martius), 223-238 (Hadrianeum, Pantheon, Stadium and Odeum of Domitian), 180-96 (Forum and Markets of Trajan); Stambaugh 1988: Ch. 5 (only 75-81), 9 & 13.
Week 12. November 21
NO CLASS (used for Ostia trip)
Week 13. November 28
TOPIC: The Transformation of the City in the Late Empire through centuries: transition from Pagan to Christian + Review Class
Arch of Constantine, Basilica Nova, Temple of Venus and Roma, Basilica of San Clemente
*Term Paper Due Today - bring printed copy in class & submit digital form via Moodle
MEETING PLACE: At the Arch of Constantine (Forum side).
READING: Claridge 2010: 21-28 (history), 115-117 (Basilica Nova), 118-121 (Temple of Venus and Roma), 306-308 (Colossus, Meta Sudans), 308-312 (Arch of Constantine), 319-324 (San Clemente); Stambaugh 1988: Ch. 5 (only 81-85); Walsh 2018: 4-12 (cult of Mithras).
Week 14. December 5
TOPIC: Course Review
MEETING PLACE: JCU Classroom (Chapel, Room 2).
Week 15. December 12
FINAL EXAM (9:30-11:30am; Chapel, Room 2)