Week 1 - September 5 - 7
Learn how to introduce yourself, ask questions in class and say hello and goodbye
Pronunciation: the Spanish alphabet
Numbers from 1 to 10
Resources to develop your learning abilities in the Spanish class
Week 2 - September 12 - 14 - 15
Nosotros y nosotras (Unit 1): Get to know your classmates better
Communication resources: ask for and give personal information
Grammar resources: gender in nationalities and professions, the verbs ser, tener and llamarse, personal pronouns
Vocabulary resources: numbers, nationalities professions, workplaces
Week 3 - September 19-21
Quiero aprender español (Unit 2): Talk about your relationship with Spanish and with Spanish culture
Communication resources: expressing intentions, explaining the motivations for what you do, talking about what you do in different languages
Grammar resources: gender, definite articles (el, la, los, las) and indefinite articles (un, una, unos, unas), the present tense (regular verbs ending in ar, er, ir), uses of por, para and porque
Vocabulary resources: languages, activities in language class, leisure activities
Week 4 - September 26 - 28
Cont. Unit 2 Quiero hablar español
Tuesday September 26 - QUIZ 1
Week 5 - October 3 - 5
¿Dónde está Santiago? (Unit 3):Test your knowledge of the Hispanic world
Communication resources: describing places, expressing existence and location, talking about climate and the weather
Grammar resources: uses of hay, the verb estar, the superlative, quantifiers (muy, mucho), interrogative pronouns (qué, cuál, cuántos, dónde, cómo)
Vocabulary resources: climate and the weather, geography, information about countries, cardinal points, seasons
Week 6 - October 10 -12
¿Cual prefieres? (Unit 4): Go shopping at a market
Communication resources: identifying items, expressing needs, buying in shops (asking for products, about prices, etc.), talking about preferences
Grammar resources: demonstratives (este, esta, estos, estas), tener que + infinitive, the verbs ir and preferir
Vocabulary resources: numbers over 100, colors, clothes and accessories, objects in daily use, uses of the verb llevar, combinations with the verb ir
Week 7 - October 17 - 19
Cont. Unit 4
Midterm review
Week 8 - October 24 - 26
Tuesday October 24 - MIDTERM EXAM
Tus amigos son mis amigos (Unit 5): Introduce and describe a person
Week 9 - October 31 - November 2
Tus amigos son mis amigos (Unit 5): Introduce and describe a person
Communication resources: talking about physical appearance and personality, expressing and comparing likes, dislikes and interests, asking about likes and dislikes, talking about personal relationships
Grammar resources: the verb gustar, the superlative, quantifiers (muy, bastante, un poco), posessive adjectives (mi, tu, su, etc.), también/tampoco
Vocabulary resources family, personality adjectives, music
Week 10 - November 7 - 9
Día a día (Unit 6): Discover your classmates’ habits
Communication resources: talking about habits, expressing frequency, asking for and giving the time
Grammar resources: the presents tense of irregular verbs, pronominal verbs (-se), yo también/ yo tampoco, primero/ después / luego
Vocabulary resources: days of the week, times of day, daily activities
Week 11 - November 14 - 16
¡A comer! (Unit 7): Create a set menu and chose the dishes you like
Communication resources: learning how to get by in bars and restaurants, asking for and giving information about food, talking about eating habits
Grammar resources:the verbs poner and traer, direct object pronouns (lo, la, los, las), uses of de and con
Vocabulary resources: food, ways of coking, utensils and recipients typical dishes in Spain and Latin America
Week 12 - November 21
Tuesday November 21 - QUIZ 2
Thursday November 23 - NO CLASS
Week 13 - November 28 - 30
El barrio ideal (Unit 8): imagine and discover the ideal neighborhood
Communication resources: discover villages, neighborhoods and cities, talk about what you like the most about a place, ask for and give directions, express tastes and highlight aspects
Grammar resources: quantifiers (algún, ningún, mucho), prepositions and adverbs of place (a, en, al lado de, lejos, cerca..)
Vocabulary resources: services and places in cities, adjectives to discover neighborhoods and cities
Week 14 - December 5 - 7
Final review
Final examinations (date to be confirmed)