The purpose of this course is to provide students with a solid understanding and hands-on experience of marketing communication.
The course will touch on key concepts like: the importance of integrated marketing communication today, communication theories and techniques, digital and offline communication, audience segmentation/targeting/positioning, consumer behavior, persuasion, objective setting/budgeting, advertising, public relations, content marketing, viral marketing.
Two major areas of focus this semester will be:
1. ESG and the challenges of greenwashing;
2. a hands-on project with an Italian social enterprise that works in the sustainable luxury fashion industry. The class will perform a competitor analysis and will develop an integrated marketing communication strategy on different platforms for the enterprise. We will be analyzing how the idea of luxury (and specifically luxury fashion) evolves in a world that is increasingly careful about ESG.
Specifically, students will be expected to:
1. Develop a solid understanding of integrated marketing communication.
2. Gain a good knowledge of the key issues relating to ESG, and how these relate to marketing communication.
3. Understand what drives consumer behavior and persuasion, and which communications strategies and techniques are most effective.
4. Learn how to work with a real client and, specifically and how the luxury fashion industry is evolving.
5. Gain proficiency in successful pitching (through the Elevator Pitch Competition and the Triggering Change Pitch).