Today’s short attention spans of the audience require quick, clever branding.
In the era of digital communication, networks are rushing to engage consumers through entertaining, shareable, efficient branded promos.
Most of the time, 30 seconds is all you got. How can you drive viewers to watch a program? What works? Why does it work?
After 15 years working with prestigious international brands such as NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC, HISTORY CHANNEL, FOXCRIME, STUDIO UNIVERSAL, CANAL +... winning numerous PROMAX awards for creative communication along the way, the instructor is an expert in her field, able to share her own experience and set a professional environment. This course is meant to be inspiring as well as challenging, encouraging students to step beyond their comfort zone and use their creativity.
- Screenings : examples of the most effective branded communication, practices that made them successful.
- Deep immersions into exciting case-studies: NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC rebrand, outstanding HBO spots, innovative NETFLIX trailers.
Who create these crucial entertainment pieces? How are they developed? Why do they connect with their audiences?
- Strategic overview of the Entertainment Industry : state of the business, TV's future.
- Discussions on current media trends : the digital era, the new waves of disruption.
- Study and analysis of Industry's best practices.
- The class will mostly be a project-based learning environment offering useful practical skills.
- Introduction to the principles and technologies of audiovisual production.
- Students will create a variety of promotional videos from pre-existing audiovisual footage (TV shows, TV series, Feature films)
- Premiere/Finalcut pro editing sessions, voiceover recordings, writing workshops spread throughout the semester.
- Logging, editing, copywriting, audio recording, mixing techniques.
- Experience and understanding of all the steps of the promo production process.
THEORETICAL APPROACH (screenings and analysis) and HANDS-ON EXPERIENCE (in class exercises and video assignments) will prepare students for further studies in digital production as well as professional careers in the following fields :
PRE-REQUISTE : COM 230 or permission of the instructor
In order to participate, students will be expected to have a basic understanding of the skills and concepts involved in video editing, audio recording and mixing.
However, since the course deals with a lot of Marketing aspects, it is open to Marketing / Communication students (with permission), as long as they are motivated, eager to learn the basics of editing and ready to team-up with students who have followed the COM 230 class.
Students will be expected to bring an external hard drive to store and archive captured material and video projects. (Mac formatted, 500GB recommended)
Students have access to the digital equipment provided by JCU for the course.
They can edit on Premiere and Finalcut X in the digital lab or on their personal computer on any other editing software, as long as they are able to deliver the video assignments in the following format : H264 1280x720