Week 1: Introduction and First Films/First Experiments
Course Introduction: this is an important class to understand how the course is structured in terms of theory and practice.
This is a creative course in which everyone has to give great input into ideas and to finalize a project for the final exhibition.
Screen: Examples of First Films/First Experiments to more recent independent directors––from Avant Garde Films––focus on Maya Daren and Jonas Mekas, Michael Snow, Stan Brakhage
Workshop: Experimental Video 1 Introduced
Week 2: Avant Garde/Experimental Film continued
Workshop: Video exercises––capturing and editing video 1 (2 to 4 min)
Week 3: Performance and video
*Presentation & Crits ––Experimental Video 1 due
Workshop: Experimental Video 2 Introduced Performance video
Screen: Screen: Examples of Performance and Film including Vito Acconci, Catherine Sullivan, Gilbert and George,
Allora & Calzadilla, Gilbert and George Luigi Ontani, Marina and Ulay
Week 4: Independent Cinema
Workshop: shooting of Performance videos
Screen: Examples of Independent Cinema––focus on John Cassavetes and Agnes Varda
Week 5: Video Art
Workshop: Video exercises––editing distance and closeness
Screen: Examples of Video Art––focus on Isaac Julian, Meriem Bennani, Philippe Parreno, Pierre Huyghe and Hito Steyrl
Week 6: Counter Cinema
Workshop: Video exercises––editing movement and stillness
Screen: Examples of Counter Cinema–– including Jean-Luc Godard, Laura Mulvey and Valie Export
Week 7: MID-TERM
Workshop: Presentation & Crits ––Experimental Video 2 due: Performance video
Experimental Video 3 Introduced
Week 8: Site Visit
Site Visit: TBD (museum or exhibition venue, meeting with fimmaler / artist or curator)
Week 9: Hybrid documentary (between reality and fiction)
Workshop: Video exercises––capturing shooting of Hybrid documentary
Screen: Examples of films that move between fact and fiction––focus on Ben River, Ben Russell, Invernomuto, Deimantas Narkevicius
*Research Paper Proposal due
Week 10: Contemporary Indipendent cinema I
Workshop: Group Project Exhibit Introduced - editing Hybrid Documentary
screen: tbc
Week 11: Expanded Cinema
Workshop: *Presentation & Crits –– Experimental Video 3 due: Hybrid Documentary
Experimental Video 4 Introduced and and Group Project Exhibit Planning
Screen: Expanded Cinema examples––focus on Steven McQueen and Diana Thater
*Research Paper draft due
Week 12: Curatorial Methods and Issues / Field Trip
Site Visit: TBD (museum or exhibition venue, meeting with curator)
Week 13:
Contemporary Indipendent cinema II
Workshop: Video exercises––editing personal and final video and Group Project Exhibit Planning
Screen: Examples of more recent independent films––focus on Johanna Hogg, Kamal Alijafari, Apichatpong Weeraasethakul
Week 14: Curatorial Methods and Issues
Workshop: Group Project Exhibit Planning
*Presentation & Crits ––Experimental Video 4 due
Week 15: Finals Week
*Presentation––Group Project: Experimental Curatorial Approaches; Final Student Screening (on or off campus tbd)