1. Introduction to the course
Course requirements, logistics, etc.
Assigned reading: None
2. Between Republic and Principate: public portraiture
Veristic Republican portraiture; portraiture of Augustus
Assigned reading: Familiarity with the syllabus. Zanker 1988: 8-11, 98-100 (Republican and Augustan portrait); Schneider 2008: 279-84 (Augustan image)
Late Republican Rome (2nd-mid 1st cent. BC)
3. Civic space and individual visibility: censors
Elite competition in Rome and strategies of public visibility. Historical context; Forum Romanum and basilicas; Palatine: civic markers and concrete technology; elite domus and elite funeral
Assigned reading: Zanker 1988: 18-25 (city and state)
4. Civic space and individual visibility: generals
Elite competition in Rome and strategies of public visibility. Triumphal route and civic space; victory temples and porticoes: Temple of Hercules of the Muses, Portico of Metellus; reception of art as war spoil
Assigned reading: Zanker 1988: 11-18 (Republican works)
5. The space of the city and the rhetoric of materials
The late Republican city; public traditions and urban topography. Building works of Sulla (Capitoline), the Aemilii (basilica, Temple of Hercules), and Mummius (Temple of Hercules); choices of materials
Assigned reading: Popkin 2015: 296-97, 301-6 (materiality); Zanker 1988: 18-25, 25-31 (public and private space)
6. Singular individual: Pompey
Theatre of Pompey, Temple of Hercules; triumph and culture; building popular support. Contested space: Clodius.
Assigned reading: Davies 2018: 490-501 (Pompey and Rome)
7. Singular individual: Caesar
Forum of Caesar; mythological ancestry; king/not-king status; building popular support. Brutus and Cassus and the death of Caesar.
Assigned reading: Stamper 2005: 90-102 (Forum of Caesar)
Second Triumvirate (44-27 BC)
8. Death of Caesar: Political and popular alliances
The second Triumvirate, honors for Caesar, political and family links; divine associations. Battle of Philippi and the role of Agrippa
Assigned reading: Zanker 1988: 33-37, 57-65 (triumvirate and rivalries)
9. Mon. Oct. 3 Octavian/Augustus: The Palatine
House of Augustus, Temple of Apollo Palatine; public and private space of residence; Battle of Naulochus
Assigned reading: Zanker 1988: 44-53, 85-89 (triumviral rivalries, house of Augustus; Apollo)
10. Marriage alliances: Depicting singular women
Octavia, Cleopatra and Livia. Honors to Octavia and Livia 35 BC; public portrait depictions of women. Settlement at Brundisium, Illyrian victory
Assigned reading: Hemelrijk 2005: 309-10, 315-16 (honors of 35 BC); Kleiner 1992a: 75-78 (female portraiture)
11. Actium and Egyptian victories
The Actium victory. Nicopolis and Alexandria; Triple triumph 29 BC, Temple of Divus Julius; depicting the divine Caesar
Assigned reading:Zanker 1988: 79-89 (Forum Romanum); Wallace-Hadrill 1993: 1-9 (Actium as turning-point)
12. Review
Discussion of material addressed in the course to date
13. Mid-term exam
Early Principate (c. 30-20 BC)
14. Reconfiguring the forum and settlement of 27 BC
Settlement of 27 BC and awards for Augustus; Forum Romanum as an ‘Augustan space’, planning The Forum of Augustus
Assigned reading: Zanker 1988: 89-98 (27 BC settlement)
15. Codeswitching and portrait depictions
Portraiture of Augustus, Agrippa and Livia; statue formats: toga and stola, Fundilia-Eumachia statue type
Assigned reading: Zanker 1988: 98-100, 128-9, 162-66 (portrait, toga, stola)
16. Octavian/Augustus: Campus Martius
New spatial focus of Campus Martius. Mausoleum of Augustus; Pantheon; Saepta Julia; ustrinum
Assigned reading: Zanker 1988: 72-77 (Mausoleum of Augustus)
17. Private in public: villa and hortus
Agrippan building works on Campus Martius; Villa of Livia at Prima Porta; Villa of the Papyri; Villa A Oplontis; Villa of the Farnesina
Assigned reading: Zanker 1988: 25-31, 279-91 (domus and villa)
18. Augustus and elite benefaction in Rome
Circus Flaminius area: Temple of Apollo Sosianus, Portico of Octavius, Portico of Philippus; Portico of Octavia; Theatre of Marcellus; city and urban space
Assigned reading: Zanker 1988: 65-71, 143-46 (competitive benefaction)
19. 23-20 BC: A new settlement, the Parthian victory and the ‘invention’ of the senate
A new settlement with the Senate; role of Agrippa; Senatorial depictions of Parthian victory: Statue of Augustus from Prima Porta, Parthian Arch
Assigned reading: Zanker 1988: 79-82, 183-92 (Forum Romanum, Parthian victory)
20. Historiography in the making: Spolia opima
Depictions of Parthian victory: Parthian standards; Temple of Mars Ultor; Temple of Jupiter Feretrius; monopteros temple, Athens
Assigned reading: Zanker 1988: 101-14 (Forum of Augustus)
Later Principate (23 BC-AD 14)
21. Senate as benefactor: The Ara Pacis Augustae
Ara Pacis Augustae; Priesthoods and neighborhoods/vici of Rome
Assigned reading: Zanker 1988: 118-23, 172-83 (priesthoods, social participation)
22. Time and honor: The Horologium
Campus Martius; Horologium of Augustus; consular and triumphal Fasti
Assigned reading: Salzman 2013: 488-92 (calendar); Wallace-Hadrill 1993: 89-96 (saviour, sundial)
23. Livia and elite female benefactors
Portico of Livia, Building of Eumachia, Statue type for women: Ceres and Large Herculaneum Woman types
Assigned reading: Zanker 1988: 137-39, 320-22 (Portico of Livia, Building of Eumachia)
24. Forum of Augustus – pater patriae
Augustan space and time: Forum of Augustus; paternal role of Augustus
Assigned reading: Zanker 1988: 192-215 (Forum of Augustus)
25. Succession: Gaius, Lucius, Tiberius (and Drusus)
Augustan Forum Romanum; Temple of Concord
Assigned reading: Zanker 1988: 110-12, 215-30 (Temple of Concord, Gaius/Lucius, Tiberius/Drusus)
26. Rome as world city
City-scape, civic space. The ‘court’ and the ‘power’ of the princeps.
Assigned reading: La Rocca 2015: 89-101 (perception of city space)
27. Review class
Overview and discussion of course content
28. Review class
Overview and discussion of course content
29. Final exam
Date, time and place to be announced