Identifying news valuesaccording to theWs
Fact, Analysis, Opiniononlineactivity
Are features,opinion,and analysis“news”?
Breaking news Pulitzer
Analysis article (why + so what)
Where do stories come from?
Resourcesandactivitiestoprepare fornews pitch
Pitching potential stories according to news values
Newsroomsession- COVERAGE PLAN
Strategizing for a successful pitch and story
Discussing pitches for approval
COVERAGE:Mapping types ofSOURCES
Read codes of conduct/ public interest
journalist’s code of conduct
Ethics Poynter Course: case studies
Methodology, protocol, etiquette
News story research: backround, precedents,
Audio and video, name collecting
Inverted pyramid activity
Associated Press Style (AP)
Types of quoting and attribution in news writing
gatekeeping, agenda-setting, news framing and priming, firts-impression bias, mean-world syndrome,hypodermic needle theory
Independent journalism, investigativejournalism citizenjournalism, advocacy jouranlism
Political economy of Mass Media: Public Relations and the poltics of mass media,Manufacturing consent,
Public Relations: history
The other side of the news