Possible Themes and Issues
(schedule is subject to change and is currently being revised)
In Class Activity
Week 1
Orientation and Intro.
What is writing? A process or a product? What makes a good writer?
Discuss syllabus, writing program, academic honesty and plagiarism and the learning environment.
In-class writing
Pre-writing strategies
Study for quiz on syllabus
Describing and explaining concrete things and abstract concepts
Write about a natural resource or a material.
What is plagiarism?
Examples from academia, the arts, and popular culture.
Intro to process writing approach and the paragraph as a 'building block'.
Quiz and correction
Organising Ideas for a paragraph
Topic Sentence and Supporting Sentences
Basic MLA layout
Exercises or writing Task
Week 2
Technology and You - trends in use of technology
Artificial Intelligence - should we fear it or embrace it?
Reading and video
A recipe or a process - chronological linking and processes
Unity and Coherence
Staying on the topic
Key nouns – achieving clarity, conciseness, and cohesion
Review typical problems: e.g. plurals, subject verb agreement, articles
Introduction to key Transition signals – addition, contrast, cause and effect etc.
Exercises or writing task
From Paragraph to Essay
Developing an idea into something more detailed and in-depth
The influence of one culture on another
Reading: A Poem
Studying the introduction, body, conclusion structure
Thesis statement as a means of organising ideas and signalling intent
Writing practice
Week 3
Essay structures - Logical Order and Extended Definition
Model essays
Linking within and between paragraphs
Prewriting and outlining
Preparing to write an essay
Exercises or writing task
Culture shock - as a process
Outsiders and eccentrics - social phenomena
Supporting Details:
Using external support to strengthen your point – examples, extended examples, quotations
Using sources and statistics |
Exercises or writing task
Week 4
Cause and Effect. Why do things happen?
How cultures influence each other.
Tradition and fluidity
Reporting verbs and structures
Conferencing and discussion
Exercises or writing task
How rhetorical approaches can be applied to real world issues.
Writing as clarification and 'journey' towards understanding.
Discussion and debate. Finding solutions through analysing causes.
Readings and video.
Types of introductions
Grabbing attention, making it interesting
Exercises or writing task
Week 5
Using the library resources effectively.
A meeting with a research librarian (date tba)
A look at MLA citation basics. Avoiding plagiarism, again...
Summary and paraphrase
Reaction piece
In class essay - (date tba) |
Week 6
Comparing and contrasting
Are things done differently or the same in other countries?
Crime and punishment
Gun laws, The Prison System - videos and readings
In class discussion
Exercises on transition words and phrases
Free-writing on the theme
Exercises or writing task
Discussion and debate.
Forming an opinion without using 'I'.
The impersonal form
Passive voice versus active voice
Exercises or writing task
Week 7
Review and conferencing.
In-class workshopping on error correction |
Exercises or writing task
Workshopping ideas and peer editing
Exercises or writing task
Week 8
An Introduction to Argument
Why do we argue? What do we argue about?
e.g. Vegetarianism and Veganism.
Debate. Opening up an issue to see both sides.
Exercises or writing task
Winning and losing arguments
Losing can mean winning... How?
Class discussions and debate
Exercises or writing task
Week 9
Introduction to the Classical Model for argumentative Essays.
More thorny issues and contemporary controversies.
'Frankenstein' Science / Gender / Identity
Anticipating and rebutting opposing views
Exercises or writing task
Model Essays
Argumentative Paragraph Structure an
Exercises or writing task
Week 10
An issue that affects students - local issues
Drafting strong thesis statements using subordinating clauses
Exercises or writing task
Arguing one of the topics differently.
Using other people’s arguments to strengthen yours - the importance of backing for your opinions
Avoiding plagiarism
Exercises or writing task
Week 12
Review of reporting verbs, attributive tags - MLA in text citation conventions |
Week 13
Preparing a works cited list |
Week 14
Review and conferencing. Prepare for end of course Exam.