Week 1
Tuesday: Introduction
Thursday: Using verbal and visual sources
Week 2
Tuesday: History of the idea of Europe
Reading: Nicholas Doumanis (2016) Europe’s Age of Catastrophe in Context, In The Oxford Handbook of European History, 1914-1945 and R. Petri (2018) Meanings of Europe and Meaning in History
Thursday: Plans about a federal Europe from the interwar period
Reading: Delzell (1960), The European Federalist Movement in Italy: First Phase, 1918-1947 The Journal of Modern History, Vol. 32, No. 3, pp. 241-250; Villanueva (2005), Richard von Coudenhove-Kalergi's "Pan-Europa" as the Elusive "Object of Longing"Rocky Mountain Review of Language and Literature, Vol. 59, No. 2, pp. 67-80; Müller (2006) Julien Benda’s Anti-Passionate Europe, European Journal of Political Theory 5(2) 125–137
Friday (Make-up day for November 23) Understanding the EU from different theoretical perspectives
Reading: Textbook Chapter 1
Week 3
Tuesday: The history of the integration process
Reading: Textbook Chapter 2
Thursday: EU institutions
Reading: Textbook Chapter 3
Week 4
Tuesday: EU members states
Reading: Textbook Chapter 4
Thursday: Decision-making and policies
Reading: Textbook Chapter 5 and 7
Week 5
Tuesday: Democracy in the EU
Reading: Textbook Chapter 6
Thursday: No class (make-up class TBC)
Week 6
Tuesday: The EU’s public diplomacy
Visit to the EU multimedia center
Thursday: EU enlargements
Reading: Textbook Chapter 9 plus K. Wolczuk (2023) Overcoming EU Accession Challenges in Eastern Europe: Avoiding Purgatory
Week 7
Tuesday: Brexit
Reading: P. Norris (2018) Understanding Brexit: Cultural Resentment versus Economic Grievances,
Thursday: EU as a global actor
Reading: Textbook Chapter 8
Week 8
Tuesday: Review
Thursday: Midterm
Week 9
Tuesday: EU-Russia
Readings: A. Foxall (2019) From Evropa to Gayropa: A Critical Geopolitics of the European Union as Seen from Russia, Geopolitics, 24:1, 174-193 plus Tania Marocchi (2017) EU-Russia Relations: Towards an Increasingly Geopolitical Paradigm
Thursday: EU-Russia
Reading: Carnegie Europe (2023) Ukraine Has Not Transformed EU Foreign Policy plus Atlantic Council (2023), In 2022, the war in Ukraine awakened Europe. Here’s how it must adapt in 2023
Week 10
Tuesday: Transatlantic relations
Reading: ECFR (2023) The art of vassalisation: How Russia’s war on Ukraine has transformed transatlantic relations, ISPI (2023) Cooperation and Integration: Why Vilnius is also about EU
Thursday: Refugees
Reading: European Council on Foreign Relations (2019) All at sea: Europe’s crisis of solidarity on migration plus Chatham House (2022) Cooperation and Integration: Why Vilnius is also about EU
Week 11
Tuesday: OP
Thursday: OP
Week 12
Tuesday: Identity politics. Mythical narratives
Reading: Salgò (2017) Images from Paradise: the European Union’s Visual Communications Strategy, Part I
Thursday: Thanksgiving Holiday (make-up day Friday, Sept. 15)
Week 13
Tuesday: Identity politics. Symbols
Salgò (2017) Images from Paradise: the European Union’s Visual Communications Strategy, Part II
Thursday: Identity politics. Rituals
Salgò (2017) Images from Paradise: the European Union’s Visual Communications Strategy, Part III
Week 14
Tuesday: what Future for the EU?
Thursday: review