Week 1
Monday: Introduction
Wednesday: using verbal and visual sources
Week 2
Monday: No class (make-up day TBC)
Wednesday: Aesthetic Turn in the discipline of in the discipline of in the discipline of International Relations
Reading: Bleiker (2001) Aesthetic Turn in International Relations
Week 3
Monday: Visual turn in the discipline of International Relations
Reading: Bleiker (2018) Visual Global Politics, Introduction
Wednesday: Ways of seeing
Reading: watch BBC TV series by John Berger
Week 4
Monday: Visualizing International Relations
Reading: Callahan (2020), Introduction and Part I
Wednesday: Research methods, filmmaking
Reading: Callahan (2020), Chapter 4
Week 5
Monday: Visual art, ethical witnessing
Reading: Callahan (2020), Chapter 6
Wednesday: Oppositional gaze and visual activism
Reading: Mirzoeff (2023) Introduction to visual culture, chapter 1 and 5
Week 6
Monday: No class (make-up class TBC)
Wednesday: World politics and popular culture I
Reading: Caso, Hamilton (2015) Chapter 1
Week 7
Monday: Artifacts in world politics
Reading: MacGragor, A history of the world in hundred objects, Part 16
Wednesday: Photography and politics
Reading: The Politics of Documentary Photography: Three Theoretical Perspectives
Friday: Make-up for November1 Photography and politics
Visit to Trastevere Museum
Week 8
Monday: Review
Wednesday: Midterm
Week 9
Monday: Visual politics in China
Reading: Jiang Changa and Hailong Ren (2018) The powerful image and the imagination of power: the ‘new
visual turn’ of the CPC’s propaganda strategy since its 18th National Congress in 2012 plus Joyce Lee (2014) Expressing the Chinese Dream: Imagery and ideograms in the “Chinese Dream” campaign posters send a message to an increasingly pluralized society.
Wednesday: Holiday (make-up day Friday, Oct. 20)
Week 10
Monday: Visuals in the FAO’s public diplomacy
Reading: FAO book
Wednesday: Visuals in the EU’s public diplomacy
Reading: visit to EU multimedia center
Week 11
Monday: OP
Wednesday: OP
Week 12
Monday: Aesthetics of global protest
Reading: The Aesthetics of Global Protest: Visual Culture and Communication (2019) Introduction
Reading: Visuals and human rights
Reading: N. L. Stein and A. D. Rentel, Images and human rights, Introduction plus
Bleiker (2018) Chapter 24
Week 13
Monday: The role of visuals in the fight for gender and racial equality
Reading: Salgó (2022) Simone Leigh’s Brick House: America’s Mighty-Mighty New Colossus, Introduction, Chapter 1, and Chapter 2 or 3
Wednesday: Street art as political activism
Reading: IAI (2021) Art and politics: the streets of Rome
Week 14
Monday: Representation of and fight against climate change
Reading: watch T. Smith (2021) Addressing the Climate Crisis Digitally: The Power of Imagery to Communicate the Urgency of Acting Now
Wednesday: Final reflections. Review