Week 1 (Language - Word Choice and Order) - Tuesday Introduction to the course - Why study literature?
Thursday The Opposites Game - Brendan Constantine My Life had stood a loaded gun - Emily Dickinson
Week 2 (Setting and Imagery) - Tuesday - The Second Coming - W. B. Yeats.
Thursday - MCMXIV - Philip Larkin
Week 3 (Speaker) - Tuesday - Musee de Beaux Arts - W.H.Auden
Thursday - One Art - Elizabeth Bishop
Week 4 (Rhyme and Metre) - Tuesday - My Last Duchess and Porphyria's Lover - Robert Browning
Thursday - Her Kind - Anne Sexton
Week 5 (Personification and Metaphor) - Tuesday - Ode to the Nightingale - John Keats
Thursday - Acquainted with the Night - Robert Frost
Week 6 (Symbol) - Tuesday - Spring and Fall - Gerald Manley Hopkins and Like as the Waves make unto the pebbled shore - William Shakespeare.
Thursday - (Objective Correlative) - The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock - T.S. Eliot.
Week 7 (Narrative) - Tuesday - Death in the Woods - Sherwood Anderson
(God) - Thursday - What We Talk About When We Talk About Love - Raymond Carver
Week 8 (The Colony) - Tuesday - The Thing Around Your Neck - Chimamamba Ngozi Adiche
(Secrets) - Thursday - Roman Fever - Edith Wharton
Week 9 (Me) - Tuesday - Indian Camp - Ernest Hemingway
(The Uncanny) - Thursday - The Ones Who Walk Away from Omelas- Ursula Le Guin
Week 10 (The author) - Tuesday - Metamorphosis - Franz Kafka
(The End) - Thursday - Bullet in the Brain - Tobias Woolf
Week 11 (Prologue) - A View from the Bridge - Arthur Miller
Week 12 (Rising Action) - A View from the Bridge - Arthur Miller
Week 13 - (Falling Action) A View from the Bridge - Arthur Miller
Week 14 - (Denouement) A View from the Bridge - Arthur Miller