Midterm Outcomes
By mid-term of EN103 successful (grade of C) students should be able to:
· Write grammatically and idiomatically correct English prose
· Punctuate sentences correctly
· Read to comprehend complex material
· Read and think critically
· Expand vocabulary through reading and writing
· Develop subject specific terminology through reading and writing
· Write academically by constructing effective sentences and paragraphs
· Summarize
· Write an outline
· Understand the introduction-body-conclusion structure
· Write a strong thesis statement
· Understand topic sentences and how they shape the paragraph
· Construct supporting arguments
· Utilize transition signals to form a paragraph that flows
· Understand academic register and write for an academic audience
Research and sourcing
Be familiar with research skills including
· Basic library tools - catalog keyword searches, call numbers, Boolean searches, and reference sources
· Utilize basic MLA format to submit their work
· Understand how to avoid plagiarism
End of Course Learning Outcomes
Students who successfully complete EN103 (with a grade of C or higher) should be able to
· Write grammatically and idiomatically correct English prose with more sophistication
· Read to comprehend increasingly complex material
· Read and think critically
· Expand vocabulary through reading and writing
· Develop subject specific terminology through reading and writing
· Write effective paragraphs and essays
· Summarize
· Understand how to recognize and utilize rhetorical modes
· Construct detailed outlines
· Understand the introduction-body-conclusion structure
· Write a strong thesis statement
· Construct topic sentences and supporting arguments
· Utilize transition signals to form an essay that flows
· Think, read, and write critically for an academic audience
Research and sourcing (can be covered by a librarian in one or more workshops in the library)
· Be familiar with research skills including
· Understanding databases, web-based sourcing, and source evaluation
· Utilize MLA format to cite sources
· Understand how to avoid plagiarism
To teach students to:
- Understand and correctly apply the rules of standard English grammar.
- Develop a clear and effective prose style consistent with contemporary academic writing practices.
- Write and edit persuasively. To use the rules of grammar and expository style to communicate meaning effectively
- Read ,think, and write analytically, critically, and creatively