As a senior seminar, this class is designed to culminate the accumulated skills, wisdom, and theory from previous communications courses. Assignments are designed to reflect the learning outcomes of the major. Activities include:
· Prepare a literature review of a research topic to be incorporated as part of a final project.
· Research media topic and prepare a short video essay proposal.
· Perform media text analysis.
· Research paper/media project drawing from an area of study relevant to your interests. Option A) write a 18-20 page research paper that synthesizes your work in the communications program. Option B) create an 8-10 minute video essay (and short paper) based on a research topic of interest. Option C) develop a creative project with a short paper that draws on your artistic expertise. Throughout the semester there will be interim assignments to support your work, including developing research questions, literature review, and methods summary.
Note: All assignments must be completed to pass the class.