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COURSE CODE: "EN 110-13"
COURSE NAME: "Advanced Composition"
SEMESTER & YEAR: Fall 2023

INSTRUCTOR: David Castronuovo
EMAIL: [email protected]
HOURS: MW 11:30 AM 12:45 PM
PREREQUISITES: Prerequisite: Placement via JCU English Composition Placement Exam or completion of either EN 103 or EN 105 with a grade of C or above

This course prepares students to read, think, and write critically. Students will develop their ability to read critically and analyze primary and secondary sources, hone their composition skills through in and out of class essays, and will complete the course by writing and revising a fully-documented and well-reasoned research paper, complemented by an annotated bibliography and literature review. EN110 focuses on the argumentative form, encouraging students to position their work within current critical discourses. The course develops the following skills: source selection and interrogation, identification and contextualization of themes, thesis development and defense, digital literacies, use of library resources, and careful citation in MLA style. Students must receive a grade of C or above in this course to fulfill the University’s English Composition requirement and to be eligible to take courses in English literature.

In Advanced Composition, students with interests in all fields – from the liberal arts to information technology, from mathematics to marketing – write not only to communicate, but to learn: the course envisions the production of drafts and revisions as a learning strategy, and approaches writing as a process that enhances productive thought. Course members edit their work using responses from peers, consultants, and the instructor. Students will leave the course with increased confidence in their ability to question, analyze, and improve the quality of their writing and research methods, and to approach the reading of texts from a writer's point of view.

Major readings include William Wallace, "Michelangelo's Risen Christ"; Excerpts from José M. Sánchez, Pius XII and the Holocaust; Susan Sontag, On Photography.  

Students will leave the course knowing how to question the accuracy and quality of their own writing and research methods.

Mid-term ExamThe exam covers readings completed during the first half of the term.15%
Three In-class Essays Each in-class essay counts for 10% of the final course grade.30%
Annotated BibliographyThe Annotated Bibliography is completed in two parts.15%
Argumentative Full-sentence OutlineFailure to submit an acceptable outline on time results in a 10% lowering of the final course grade.Required
Literature ReviewFailure to complete an acceptable Literature Review on time results in a 15% lowering of the final course grade.Required
Argumentative Research Paper (8 pages + Works Cited) 25%
Final Exam The final exam covers readings completed during the second half of the term.15%
* The instructor expects full participation in all aspects of the course. Failure to attend class, to submit assignments on time, or to participate fully in class, will result in a significant lowering of the final course grade.  Required

A : Work consistently exceeds the instructor's average expectations for the assignment.
B : Work sometimes/often exceeds the instructor's average expectations for the assignment.
C: Work meets the instructor's average expectations for the assignment.
D: THIS LEVEL OF WORK DOES NOT MEET THE INSTRUCTOR'S AVERAGE EXPECTATIONS FOR THE ASSIGNMENT. Any or all of the following issues will result in a grade of "D": paragraphs that lack unity; paragraphs without comprehensive topic sentences; errors of capitalization, spelling, punctuation, format (MLA style); misuse of participles; extensive use of passive verbs; awkward sentence structures; sentences that lack clarity of expression; poorly contextualized quotations; unacceptable paraphrasing.
F: This level of work fails to demonstrate knowledge or understanding of the issues raised by the assignment.



- Assignments:

Class members must submit written assignments on Turnitin/Moodle. 

The instructor does not accept assignments submitted by email.

The instructor does not accept late assignments.

John Cabot guidelines indicate that students must complete 6-9 hours of homework per week (for a 3 credit course).

- Attendance:

The instructor expects students to attend lessons with the same seriousness of purpose they would bring to a business meeting or a meeting called by an employer. 

Students must put phones and laptops away (out of sight).

Students must use the restrooms before class. In the event of emergencies, students may leave the lesson but may not return.

- Absences: 

Each absence from class results in a 4% lowering of the final course grade, regardless of the reason. 

As stated in the university catalog, any student who commits an act of academic dishonesty will receive a failing grade on the work in which the dishonesty occurred. In addition, acts of academic dishonesty, irrespective of the weight of the assignment, may result in the student receiving a failing grade in the course. Instances of academic dishonesty will be reported to the Dean of Academic Affairs. A student who is reported twice for academic dishonesty is subject to summary dismissal from the University. In such a case, the Academic Council will then make a recommendation to the President, who will make the final decision.
John Cabot University does not discriminate on the basis of disability or handicap. Students with approved accommodations must inform their professors at the beginning of the term. Please see the website for the complete policy.


Due Dates of Major Assignments:

Mon. 30 Jan. (Week III): Topics for Research Papers

Mon. 6 Feb (Week IV): First Article for Annotated Bibliography 

Fri. 10 Feb. (Week IV): Graded In-Class Writing #1

Mon. 13 Feb. (Week V): Draft of First Annotation for Annotated Bibliography

Mon. 20 Feb. (Week VI): First Annotation for Annotated Bibliography

Wed. 22 Feb. (Week VI): Mid-Term Exam

Mon. 6 March (Week VII): Second Annotation for Annotated Bibliography

Wed. 8 March (Week VII): Graded In-Class Writing #2

Mon. 13 March (Week VIII): Full-Sentence Outline of Research Paper

Mon. 27 March (Week X): Literature Review

Wed. 5 April: Graded In-Class Writing #3

Mon. 17 April (Week XIII): First Draft of Complete Research Paper (with Works Cited)

The Final Draft of the Research Paper is due on the day of our final exam.

Final Exam Date: TBA