COURSE NAME: "Western European Politics"
Spring 2022
Diego Pagliarulo
EMAIL: [email protected]
TTH 6:00 PM 7:15 PM
Prerequisite: PL 223
The course examines the political systems in Western Europe and major political developments affecting Western Europe since 1945 through a comparative lens. Looking at historical legacies, political cultures, types of government, and party systems shaping the major Western European powers, students will gain an understanding of the constitutive features, and transnational developments, challenges and changes in Western European states.
The geopolitical origins of Western Europe
The rise and evolution of the contemporary Western European state model.
The process of European integration
Comparative analysis of the political systems of the main Western European countries, including Great Britain, France, Germany, and Italy.
Comparative analysis of the key political challenges faced by Western European countries, such as Brexit, the rise of populism and nationalism, economic crisis, and changing attitudes toward European integration.
As a result of this course, students will:
Have the instruments to think critically about the key political, social, geographical, and historical features that define Western Europe.
Acquire a detailed knowledge of the main political systems of Western Europe as well as the ability to analyze them from a comparative perspective.
Develop the means to understand the key aspects of decision-making and policy-making at the European level.
Understand the main political challenges concerning today’s Western Europe and develop the skills needed to further explore them through independent research and articulate solutions.
Improve their note-taking skills.
Improve their capabilities to select and analyze sources.
Improve their writing and oral presentation skills.
Book Title | Author | Publisher | ISBN number | Library Call Number | Comments | Format | Local Bookstore | Online Purchase |
Politics in Europe. Seventh Edition | M. Donald Hanckock et al. | Sage | 978-1506399096 | | | Hard Copy | | |
Book Title | Author | Publisher | ISBN number | Library Call Number | Comments |
Prisoners of Geography. Ten Maps That Explain Everything About the World | Tim Marshall, | Scribner | 978-1501121470 | | Available in eBook format at: https://jculibrary.on.worldcat.org/oclc/910968052 |
The Struggle for Europe | William Hitchcock | Anchor Books | 978-0835497992 | | |
Dark Continent. Europe’s Twentieth Century | Mark Mazower | Penguin | 978-0140241594 | | |
The End of Europe | James Kirchick | Yale University Press | 978-0300234510 | | Available in eBook format at: https://jculibrary.on.worldcat.org/oclc/974372450 |
Assignment | Guidelines | Weight |
Attendance and participation | Regular attendance and active and engaged participation will ensure a high participation (and overall) grade. Absences, scarce preparedness, passive and poor contribution to class discussion, and inappropriate conduct will negatively affect the grade. | 20% |
Movie Analysis | Essay (max 700 words) or video presentation (max 25 minutes). Provide a critical analysis of the movie “The Iron Lady”).
Pay special attention to the following questions:
- What are the aspects of Thatcher's character and legacy that are emphasized or played down in the movie?
- What is the legacy of the Thatcher revolution on European politics?
- How has public perception of political leadership and the mission of government evolved in post-WW2 Western European politics?
| 10% |
Midterm | Policy Paper (max. 1500 words) and oral presentation/debate: How to revive Western European democracy?
Pay particular attention to:
- The long term factors and key historical developments that have contributed to the rise and evolution of democratic systems in Western Europe.
- Current trends in key Western European countries such as the UK, France, Germany, and Italy.
Organize your paper around key issues/talking points.
- Tip: first prepare a series of talking points for the debate and then expand on them.
Useful sources:
- Course readings (Mazower, Hancock, etc.).
- Online databases available via JCU Library website.
- Major European and American news outlets. | 25% |
Current Events Analysis | A 1000-word essay that analyzes a major current affairs event concerning Western European politics. Imagine you’re a political analyst and you have been asked by the president of the US to provide a concise analysis of a major issue concerning Western European politics. Organize your work along the following lines:
- The issue in a nutshell.
- The implications for Western European politics.
- Your policy advice. | 15% |
Final Exam | Independent Research Project/Research memo (Max 2000 words) and oral presentation on one of challenges analyzed in Part III of the course.
Pay special attention to the following questions:
- What are the key aspects of the issue?
- Why is the issue relevant?
- How does the challenge impact the major Western European countries?
- What needs to be done to overcome that challenge? | 30% |
Optional Assignments | 2 optional essays (max 700 words) or video presentations. 1 extra point added to the overall grade for each completed assignment.
- A follow-up to the “European Dream” debate;
- An essay on a topic chosen by the student among those featured in Part III of the course schedule. | 0% |
AWork of this quality directly addresses the question or problem raised and provides a coherent argument displaying an extensive knowledge of relevant information or content. This type of work demonstrates the ability to critically evaluate concepts and theory and has an element of novelty and originality. There is clear evidence of a significant amount of reading beyond that required for the c BThis is highly competent level of performance and directly addresses the question or problem raised.There is a demonstration of some ability to critically evaluatetheory and concepts and relate them to practice. Discussions reflect the student’s own arguments and are not simply a repetition of standard lecture andreference material. The work does not suffer from any major errors or omissions and provides evidence of reading beyond the required assignments. CThis is an acceptable level of performance and provides answers that are clear but limited, reflecting the information offered in the lectures and reference readings. DThis level of performances demonstrates that the student lacks a coherent grasp of the material.Important information is omitted and irrelevant points included.In effect, the student has barely done enough to persuade the instructor that s/he should not fail. FThis work fails to show any knowledge or understanding of the issues raised in the question. Most of the material in the answer is irrelevant.
Attendance is a fundamental component of your class participation grade (which in turn counts for 20% of the final grade). More than two absences will directly affect your class participation grade (and indirectly affect your other assessments).
Particularly active and constructive participation in class can round up your overall grade.
Readings are mandatory assignments and must be done in advance.
Recommended readings and documents provided by the instructor via Moodle are not compulsory assignments. However, they can be useful sources of inspiration for debates, papers, and independent research projects.
Students are invited to consult leading newspapers, journals and magazines to keep informed with ongoing news related to Western European politics.
Group works require active participation. Failure to perform shared tasks or to show up will be considered a sign of disrespect toward colleagues. This kind of behavior is strongly discouraged. It will bring down your grade and may complicate your colleagues’ performances.
The use of traditional notebooks and notetaking is encouraged. Laptops and other electronic devices are allowed for the sole purpose of taking notes and enhancing participation during classes.
Regular attendance and active participation in class are essential: this includes punctuality and quick checking of intranet messages. Absences will affect the final grade, unless caused by serious family or medical emergencies. Makeup examinations may be given or late papers accepted only for the same reasons. In order to take full advantage of this class and make it an important learning experience, it is crucial to create a communicative virtuous circle, i.e. an environment where possible misunderstandings are reduced to a minimum or altogether eliminated and potential problems and issues are addressed and solved very quickly. Example: some of you may have a stronger background in Politics, and some a weaker one or none: there is nothing wrong in acknowledging it and alerting the professor, so that he can adjust his pace to the audience and work more with single cases if need be. More specifically, you can contribute quite substantially to the creation of a virtuous circle if you consider the following:
1) Some demeanors are invisible in a large infrastructure, yet become disruptive in a smaller one. They include the following (during class): - walking in and especially out of the room, in absence of an emergency or prior permission; - making use of the internet and/or any social network, such as Facebook, Twitter or a mere sms; - reading or studying for a class other than the one being attended. Taking good note of all this and acting accordingly, besides averting inevitable grade-docking, will greatly help and will be much appreciated. Therefore, you are kindly requested to turn off your Iphones et al. and avoid using a laptop during class. Exceptions can be made only in some specific cases
2) Students should be able to make the difference between occurrences which justify their absences and those which don't, and alert the prof only in the former case. Examples:
Occurrence Absence Justified? Communication needed
i) Sickness yes yes
ii) Major emergency yes yes
(accident, serious family issues,
iii)Travel issues of any kind no no
iv) Family/partner/friend(s)
are in town no no
(although welcome to
class if interested, in which case please
notify the prof)
v) AoB to be determined on case-by-case criteria
3) A smaller environment should encourage a more active and direct participation of students and a more effective communication between students and professor. The former are strongly encouraged to intervene in class at any moment if something doesn't sound clear, or in the appropriate discussion time if they wish to raise a specific issue or argue about it (this latter part will be considered for grading purposes, only to the extent it shows interest for the topic and capabilities to support an argument). Opinions can be freely expressed (teacher included) and are never graded as such. Should a student feel uncomfortable about speaking in public, s/he is welcome to contact or email the professor to discuss privately
4) Finally, and on a more academic note, some concrete tips to start off in the best way possible and obtain satisfactory results: - This is a textbook-based course. No matter if individually or in a group, students should get hold of a copy anyway, as all their assignments will be based on it. Alternative routes based on the use of popular websites (e.g. Wikipedia) are strongly discouraged and would lead to poor results - Class lectures do not merely repeat or explain (unless specifically required) the content of the readings, but aim at completing them by providing additional information and different visual angles. In order to achieve optimal results, students should work on combining their notes with reading assignments and videos screened (see next point) and raise immediately all issues related to any perceived discrepancy, incoherence or misunderstanding - Videos shown in class command the same respect and attention as all other instructional materials and should never be considered as avoidable parts of the course program (or the right moment when to disregard point 1 above) - Whenever possible, students are encouraged to take advantage of extra-credit opportunities (field trips, evening films, Guarini Institute events) even if their score is good, as these could prove ultimately decisive in enhancing their grade.
As stated in the university catalog, any student who commits an act of academic
dishonesty will receive a failing grade on the work in which the dishonesty occurred.
In addition, acts of academic dishonesty, irrespective of the weight of the assignment,
may result in the student receiving a failing grade in the course. Instances of
academic dishonesty will be reported to the Dean of Academic Affairs. A student
who is reported twice for academic dishonesty is subject to summary dismissal from
the University. In such a case, the Academic Council will then make a recommendation
to the President, who will make the final decision.
John Cabot University does not discriminate on the basis of disability or handicap.
Students with approved accommodations must inform their professors at the beginning
of the term. Please see the website for the complete policy.
(The course schedule might be subject to changes and updates)
Part I - What Is Western Europe?
Week 1
Course introduction
The geopolitics of Western Europe
Hancock, Introduction,
Marshall, Chapter 4 (pp. 92-113).
Week 2
Western European democracy in the postwar era
The context of German and Italian Politics.
Mazower, Chapter 9 (pp. 290-330).
Hancock, Chapter 3.1 and 4.1.
Week 3
The transformation of Western European democracy
The Context of British and French Politics.
Mazower, Chapter 10 (pp. 333-366).
Hancock, Chapter 1.1 and 2.1.
Watch: The Iron Lady, directed by Phyllida Lloyd (2011).
Week 4
European integration and the European Union - Part I
Hancock, Chapter 8.1-8.3 (pp. 641-680).
Week 5
European integration and the European Union - Part II
Hancock, Chapter 8.4-8.5 (pp. 681-717).
Jeremy Rifkin, “The European Dream. How Europe’s Vision of the Future is Quietly Eclipsing the American Dream.”, Vortrag an der Humboldt Universität zu Berlin am 18. April 2005 (FCE3/05), http://www.whi-berlin.eu/documents/rifkin.pdf .
Prepare debate: A “European Dream?”
Week 6
Midterm Assessment
Midterm review.
Movie analysis.
Midterm policy paper.
Prepare debate: How to revive Western European democracy?
Part II - Western European Political Systems: A Comparative perspective.
Week 7
British Politics
Read: Hancock - Chapter 1.2-1.4.
Week 8
French Politics
Read: Hancock - Chapter 2.2-2.4.
Week 9
German Politics
Read: Hancock - Chapter 3.2-3.4.
Week 10
Italian Politics
Read: Hancock - Chapter 4.2-4.4.
Submit: Current Affairs Analysis
Part III - Wither Western Europe?
Week 11
Case Study: Great Britain
Hancock, Chapter 1.5.
And one of the following:
Drozdiak, Chapter 2.
Kirchick, Chapter 6.
Individual presentation on British politics.
Prepare debate on Brexit and British politics.
Week 12
The rise of populism, nationalism, and far right movements in Western Europe.
Case Study: Italy
Hancock, Chapter 4.5.
And one of the following:
Drozdiak, Chapter 6.
Perry Anderson, “The Italian Disaster,” The London Review of Books, Vol. 36, No. 10 (May 2014), https://www.lrb.co.uk/the-paper/v36/n10/perry-anderson/the-italian-disaster
Individual presentations on Italian politics.
Prepare debate on Italian politics.
Week 13
Globalization, identity, and Western European Politics.
Case Study: France.
Hancock, Chapter 2.5.
And one of the following:
Drozdiak, Chapter 3.
Kirchick, Chapter 5.
Individual presentations on French politics.
Prepare debate on French politics.
Week 14
The future of European integration
Case Study: Germany
Final Review Session
Hancock, Chapter 3.5.
And one of the following:
Drozdiak, Chapter 1 or Chapter 4.
Kirchick, Chapter 3 or Chapter 4.
Matthias Matthijs, “The Right Way to Fix the EU,” Foreign Affairs Vol. 99, No. 3 (May/Jun 2020) 160-164,166-170, https://jculibrary.on.worldcat.org/oclc/8580483673 .
Individual presentations on German and European politics.
Prepare debate on German and EU politics.
Week 15
Final exams
Final Essay.