Note: This schedule is subject to change. Please see the Moodle site for the most updated class schedule. Assignment due dates are TBA
Module 1: Understanding the Issue: Science and climate actors
Week 1: Science and politics of the climate crisis
Reading: Corbett Ch. 1 “Eairth
Activity: Autoethnography on eco-identity
Week 2: Ecojustice and contesting the Anthropocene discourse; history and culture of fossil fuels
Reading: Corbett Ch. 2 “Fossil Fuel Culture”
Activity: Drafting Moral Vision Statement
Module 2: Blogging and online strategic communication
Week 3: The actors: their goals, beliefs, and strategies
Reading: Corbett Ch. 3 “Individuals as Social Actors” & 4 “Emotions and Climate Science”
Activity: Set-up blog
Week 4: Mapping communication in the public sphere (media ecosystems)
Reading: Corbett Ch. 5 “Breaking the Silence”
Activity: Practice conversations about climate
Week 5: Post-political communication: Alternatives to traditional gatekeepers and media
Reading: Corbett Ch. 6 “Justice and Faith”
Activity: Create a climate meme
Week 6: How social change works
Reading: Corbett Ch. 7 “New Relationship with Eairth”
Activity: Culture jam
Week 7: Understanding values and discourse; communication, media and the social construction of the environment
Reading: Corbett Ch. 8 “Telling a New Story”; Stibbe Introduction
Activity: Write a “I have Dream” speech
Module 3: Visualizing climate: Graphics and data journalism
Week 8: Using graphics information graphics
Reading: Pezzullo & Cox: Ch 3, “Symbolic Constructions of the environment”
Activity: Research, review, and present infographic to class
Week 9: Using graphics information graphics
Reading: Pezzullo & Cox, Ch 4, “The Environment in/of Visual and Popular Culture”
Activity: Mind map and visualize data with pictures to accompany an article
Module 4: Viral video: Stories we live-by
Week 10: Climate change is a story: What story do you want to tell?
Reading: Pezzullo & Cox: Ch 9 “Advocacy campaigns & Messaging”
Activity: Critique and discuss short environmental video
Week 11: Stories-we-live-by cont.
Reading: Pezzullo & Cox: Ch 10 “Digital Media and Environmental Activism”; Eisenstein Introduction
Activity: Write PSA treatment for get out the vote campaign
Week 12: Storyboarding, scripts
Reading: Stories-we-live-by cont.
Activity: Write PSA treatment for get out the vote campaign
Module 5: Image event campaigning
Week 13: Image events as communication strategy
Reading: Excerpts from Extinction Rebellion
Activity: Press release, press kit and strategic communication
Week 14: Image events cont.
Activity: Finish projects