Each unit may have a different number of classes dedicated to it. It will depend on the difficulty and complexity of the material and also on the amount of class discussion it elicits.
To know what we’ll be covering next, just see what’s in the next unit!!! For example, if we are doing depressive disorders then the next will be narcissistic disorders.
I may make small changes to reading assignments, but they’ll be announced in advance in class and online, you should check at least weekly.
Here’s the full reading list followed by the schedule
These are not in order of the course material but you can check the syllabus and see what readings apply to the unit being covered.
· Nancy Mc Williams – Psychoanalytic Diagnosis – this will be referred to as “the textbook” or “the text” – and you have to read pretty much all of it.
· Joanne Greenberg – I Never Promised You a Rose Garden – not expensive and you can buy it easily used on amazon.it or amazon.co.uk or as an ebook through the library - you have to read the whole thing (hopefully it will be hard to put it down).
· George Atwood The Abyss of Madness, almost the whole book: “Exploring the Abyss of Madness” available as ebook through library
· Psychodynamic Diagnostic Manual pg 1 – 31, and 483-509 NOTE THAT THIS IS ONLY AVAILABLE IN THE LIBRARY AND YOU HAVE TO COPY IT YOURSELF
- Whitaker - Mad in America
· Davies, Frawley, Treating the Adult Survivor of Childhood Sexual Abuse: chapt 10 pp 186-197
· Ferenczi, Final Contributions to the Problems and Methods of Psycho-Analysis: p. 156-167 “The confusion of tongues between adults and the child” available as an ebook
· Beebe & Lachmann: The Origins of Attachment ch 1
· Gabbard, Glen: Psychodynamic Psychiatry in clinical practice, : pp 249-267
· Brandchaft, Bernard Towards an Emancipatory Psychoanalysis, ch 11 “Obsessional disorders” p 163-191
· Bowlby, John: Attachment and Loss vol 2- Separation Ch 19: “Anxious Attachment and Agoraphobia” pp 334-355
· Bowlby, Attachment and Loss vol 3 Loss, sadness and depression: ch 14 “sadness, depression and depressive disorder” p 245-262
· Optional: Psychoanalytic electronic publishing, Atwood, G.E., Orange, D.M., Stolorow, R.D. (2002). Shattered Worlds/Psychotic States Psychoanal. Psychol., 19:281-306. http://web.ebscohost.com/ehost/detail?sid=5ae58f0c-d6a1-4fca-8a75-7f7468060104%40sessionmgr4002&vid=5&hid=4206&bdata=JnNpdGU9ZWhvc3QtbGl2ZQ%3d%3d#db=pdh&AN=2002-12574-003
· Miller, Alice. The Drama of the Gifted Child: The Search for the True Self. Basic Books, 1997. ISBN 978-0-465-01647-1. 139 p. Ch 1: “The Drama of the Gifted Child and how we became Psychotherapists” P. 1-25
· C. Johnson, Psychodynamic treatment of anorexia nervosa and bulimia, Chapter 2 Susan sands, “Bulimia dissociation and empathy: a self-psychological view” p 34-49
· Firestone: Suicide and the Inner Voice. Pp 35-58, 94-103, 219, 279-296
· Mate’ In the Realm of Hungry Ghosts ch.11-13, 17-19
“Normal” vs “abnormal”
Lecture notes 1
Atwood The Abyss of Madness: ch 2:“Exploring the Abyss of Madness” (ch 1 optional);
Psychodynamic Diagnostic Manual pp 1-10
Mad in America ch (to be announced)
Epistemological premises, Implications of theory
Lecture notes 2: “Theoretical approaches”
Text ch 2 optional as reference
PDM p. 483-486
Diagnosis & classification – why, how
Text ch 1;
PDM 11-31
Abyss ch 1
Approaches compared DSM vs PSM
Pdm 486-509
Levels of disorder
Text ch 3
PDM 20-26
Reference to ch 5 and 6 – just to clarify mechanisms of defense
Text p 151-155
Dissociation & dissociative disorders
Text ch 15;
Atwood ch 5 (The unbearable and the unsayable)
Davies&Frawley ch 10;
Ferenczi “confusion of tongues”
Beebe&Lachmann The Origins of Attachment Ch 1 "Origins of Relatedness"
Obsessive & compulsive disorders
Text ch 13;
Brandchaft Towards an Emancipatory Psychoanalysis ch 11 "Obsessional disorders"
Anxiety, anxiety disorders, phobias
Gabbard Psychodynamic Diagnosis in Clinical Practice ch 9 “anxiety disorders”;
Bowlby: Separation: “anxious attachment:
Depression, depressive & manic disorders
Text ch. 11
Bowlby: Separation "Loss sadness & depression"
Atwood Abyss ch 7 "The dark sun of melancholia"
Atwood Ch 8:"What is a Ghost"
Narcissism, narcissistic disorders
Text ch. 8,
Miller: “The drama of the gifted child”
“Eating” disorders
Gabbard: Psychodynamic Psychiatry in Clinical Practice: “Eating Disorders”;
Sands, “Bulimia, dissociation and empathy”
Addictions and other problems of self-regulation
Mate’In the Realm of Hungry Ghosts 133-147, 187-219
Schizoid personalities, schizophrenia
Text ch 9
Greenberg: I Never Promised You a Rose Garden
Paranoia and paranoid disorders
Text ch. 10
Psychopathic / sociopathic disorders
Text ch. 7
Firestone Suicide and the Inner Voice): p 35-58, 94-103, 219, 278-296,
Atwood The Abyss of Madness"The tragedy of self-destruction"