Day Trip: Wellness in Viterbo


Day Trip: Wellness in Viterbo

 Date: Saturday, June 8

Time: 1 day 

Deadline to sign up & withdraw: Monday, May 20  

Switch Deadline: Wednesday, May 22  

Mandatory Meeting: Monday, June 3 

Participation Fee: €105 

Minimum Participants: 13 

Maximum Participants: 18 


By purchasing this activity, you are accepting the terms and conditions. 


Please note the following requirements associated with this trip: 

Participants must be 18 years or older. 

A physical, conducted by an Italian sport doctor, must be completed within the 12 months prior to the scheduled trip date. 

Hiking boots are mandatory for this trip (a free boot rental is included with the trip fee). 


IMPORTANT NOTICE: please keep in mind that all JCU Student Services sponsored trips and outdoor activities are subject to change according to conditions including, but not limited to, weather. 



Explore the beautiful countryside with a yoga lesson on a farm, connecting with nature and finding balance in your busy student life. Then, discover the fascinating Etruscan pyramids, a hidden gem of ancient history. Immerse yourself in the culture and history of this stunning region while creating unforgettable memories with your fellow students. Don't miss out on this amazing opportunity to expand your horizons and enhance your study abroad experience! Sign up now for an unforgettable journey to Viterbo.  



TRIP ITINERARY (subject to change): 


8:00 AM: Meeting at Trastevere Station 

9:30 AM: Arrival and Welcome at the farm 
10:00 AM: Yoga session 
13:00 AM: Lunch 

2:30 PM: Excursion to the Etruscan Pyramids 
5:00 PM: bus back to Rome 



- Bus Rome – Viterbo – Rome 

- Yoga lesson 

- lunch 

- Visit of the Etruscan pyramids 

- Helpful and knowledgeable guides and chaperones 




Passport/ Copy of passport 

Personal water bottle 


Hiking boots 



Rain/wind jacket 


Comfortable and casual changes of clothes for the free time in town 


Deadline to reserve and pay tickets Online 5/21/2024

105.00 €

How many tickets you would like to purchase?